Water curtains

Water curtains

Applications of water screens!

Water curtains or also called Rain curtains are an absolute eye-catcher at fairs or other events. No less than three rows of nozzles create a dense layer of water, making the Water Curtain ideal for water projection. Are you looking for something really special, then consider our Graphic Screen. This is a water curtain by which it is possible to “write”. The screen can drop pictures, logos and even write words. A special system and very impressive. All water screens are illuminated with special LED lamps, each LED pixel of the total light can be controlled individually. This can also provide fun and varied light effects. 

Seamlessly extendable to great lengths

The possibilities regarding to the rain curtain are very diverse. The screen can be used to demarcate your space, but also as a “doorway”. The water screen elements consist of various sizes, namely 12 and 3 meters. These elements can be linked together and connect seamlessly. This allows us to realize any desired size of the waterscreen.

All elements can be operated independently. That way we can create an opening to walk through. Our Water Curtains can be hung in a Truss gate, so you can determine the height of the waterscreen yourself. The hoses and cables are concealed in the Truss, so that they are discreetly guided upwards. 

Wall of water

The falling water provides cooling and attracts people to the sound, but sometimes the sound is not  desirable. In this case, we can choose for a water wall, in which the water flows over a glass wall or decorative wall. With this system, splash water is almost fully excluded because the water has no free fall. In addition, the sound is much quieter. A water wall is only suitable for decoration, projection is only possible on a water curtain, not on the water wall. 

Are you enthusiastic and would you like to know what we can do for you? Take a look at our Water Curtains or contact us, we are happy to think along with you! 

Our Water Screens

Water curtains

Graphics Screen

Water Wall